Weekend at the Lake

Back in early June the Jeep was coming together so the push to get out and test everything was at an all time high. After a couple messages to the crew, a few of us banded together to head out for the weekend. The destination was a place that I’ve been wanting to get to for some time but didn’t think I had the rig to get there…..until now! Where were we going you ask? The north end of Chehalis Lake, a beautiful spot that up until now I have only seen pictures of.

The crew got together at the Sasquatch Inn in Harrison Mills before heading up a little further to air down.  With everyone good to go and under cloudy skies we headed up the Sts’ailes / Harrison West FSR.  The trip up was uneventful with only a few vehicles passing us on their way out.  We eventually branched off onto the Mystery FSR slowly working our way down toward the lake.  The last little push was through a densely treed area but the trees gradually gave way to one of the most picturesque lake views I have ever seen.  Pictures definitely do not do enough justice.


After soaking up the view for a few minutes, we started sorting out campsites, levelling vehicles off and getting the camp setup.  By the end of all this we were all feeling famished so Sid put together a delicious seafood and noodle soup that definitely hit the spot.  The rest of the day was all about being laid back and enjoying the area. One of the group brought their boat so a few went fishing, others brought Kayaks but Layka and I just kicked back and relaxed. With the sun going down the campfire was started and after a while it was off to bed.

The next morning brought clearer skies and more time to relax and unwind from a busy week.  With the new setup on the Jeep there was also a good chunk of tinkering going on and thoughts about what to build next and how to improve what I have already.  The overlanding mind never stops! 


The forecast was calling for heavy showers the next day so with a heavy heart a few of us decided to pack up and head out with tents and awnings dry.  A few others stayed the extra night and I’m pretty sure their gear is still wet! All in all a wonderful trip, beautiful location and the Jeep did very well. 

 Stay tuned for the next adventure,

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